5 Best Anti-Aging Treatments Without Surgery (That are Safe)

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Is your skin changing with age? We all want to know how to prevent aging. But we also want that natural look that plastic surgery can’t offer. So, what are the best anti-aging treatments that don’t require surgery?

This article will explore five popular and effective non-surgical, anti-aging facial treatments for how to reverse sagging face skin, premature wrinkles, and fine lines and improve skin tone and texture.

When seeking a center for anti-aging, consider the advice of Riko Zehavy, Director of Customer’s Success at Novuskin MedSpa in Las Vegas. “When choosing an anti-aging clinic, you want to be sure you won’t damage your skin. It’s impossible to stop aging altogether. But you can slow the process with advanced dermatology skin procedures that leave you with healthier, beautiful skin. Choose science-based skincare that goes beyond topical ointments. But you also don’t have to go under a knife. There is a balance.”

Cosmetic procedure. Microcurrent therapy for the face

Best Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments

  1. Laser Resurfacing
  2. Microcurrent – Non-surgical Facelift
  3. Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
  4. IPL Treatment
  5. Dermal Fillers

1. Laser Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing can help with many common skin aging concerns, especially the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to dissolve age spots. Laser treatment might sound harsh, but it offers many skin benefits such as:

  • Improving the skin’s texture
  • Healing scars and stretch marks
  • Smoothing wrinkled skin
  • Increasing collagen and elastin production
  • Tightening sagging skin
  • Removing or decreasing dark age spots

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation uses high-powered lasers to remove the outermost layers of the skin while creating safe micro-injuries beneath the surface. This kickstarts a cascade of events to stimulate collagen production and new cell formation, resurfacing the skin and helping to tighten and firm the areas.

During your treatment, a technician will apply the laser to the areas of concern. You may feel a bit of pain, but sometimes, you can use a topical numbing agent. The session is typically fast, lasting only a few minutes.

Usually, in the days following your treatment, you may develop very dry skin, which will slough away. Within 2-3 weeks, your skin should heal, but residual redness might be present. A light foundation will cover it.

Laser Rejuvenation Contraindications

If you have open sores or infections, or if your skin is sunburnt, you won’t be able to have treatment. Also, laser treatment can’t be given over tattoos. If you’ve recently had botox or fillers, you’ll need to wait until they dissolve. Your MedSpa or doctor should take a complete health history before treatment to assess for any medical contraindications like photosensitivity, epilepsy, and pregnancy.

2. Microcurrent – Non-Surgical Facelift

You don’t need to go under the knife to look like you got a facelift. Microcurrent is completely non-invasive, and its benefits are cumulative – your skin gets better and better in the weeks following your treatment.

What is Microcurrent Non-Surgical Facelift?

As you age, your facial muscles weaken and start to give in to the effects of gravity. This presents as saggy, loose skin with lines and wrinkles. But a microcurrent facial uses low-current electricity to stimulate the facial muscles. It’s like taking your facial muscles to the gym!

These contractions mimic the body’s natural currents, providing both instant and cumulative anti-aging results. The muscles appear more defined through these contractions, lifting the skin and giving contour to facial features. They also help your skin to produce collagen and elastin, so the results get better and better.

Microcurrent Contraindications

Microcurrent is intended for healthy individuals who don’t have pre-existing medical conditions like heart problems, cancer, or other chronic conditions. Also, if you’re pregnant, you should wait to have your treatment.

3. Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency is an incredibly effective and safe way to improve the skin’s firmness. If you feel like your skin is saggy or lacking elasticity, this treatment can help you regain the tightness you want.

What is Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?

Radio frequencies work together with pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate collagen production. This takes place deep in the dermis – the deepest layers of the skin. The radio frequencies stimulate a regenerative process, boosting the skin’s collagen production, immediately giving the facial skin a fuller, younger look, with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

Radiofrequency is non-invasive, and you can return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. Your skin will appear plumped and glowing, and the improvement will continue in the days and weeks following your facial.

Radiofrequency Contraindications

Radiofrequency is very safe for everyone. If you have a local infection or sunburn, your technician may ask you to wait until it is healed for treatment.

beautiful patient smiling after Anti-Aging Treatments

4. IPL Treatment

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light Photofacials, can improve both the tone and texture of aging skin. By using high-energy light, an IPL Photofacial is a non-invasive treatment for age spots and sagging skin.

What is an IPL Treatment?

IPL technology delivers a direct burst of energy in the form of light onto targeted areas of skin.

During an IPL Photofacial, you must wear protective eyewear. Your technician will apply a cooling gel to the area and use a handheld device to project the light energy onto your skin.

This light increases collagen production and helps break up areas of pigmentation, like freckles and age spots. An increase in collagen production, also produced by the laser, enables a fresh new layer of tissue to be formed and helps tighten and give skin additional elasticity.

Unlike laser treatments, IPL emits a broader light, so recovery is less intense. You may find your skin is a bit swollen and red for a few days.

IPL Contraindications

You should avoid IPL if you have a dark skin tone. Your technician will ask some medical history questions to assess whether IPL is right for you. If you’re pregnant, have eczema or infections, or have a history of seizures, you should avoid IPL.

5. Dermal Fillers

Different than Botox, dermal fillers are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume and reverse signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that smooth lines, fill in wrinkles, and soften creases. These injectable fluids are made from various naturally occurring chemicals, like lactic and hyaluronic acid.

Skin fillers are sold under brand names such as Juvederm, Radiessse, and Sculptra. These injectables help to erase signs of aging temporarily. Fillers are used to smoothening wrinkles but are also being used to provide minimally invasive rhinoplasty and other plastic surgery alternatives.

Fillers can be done over your lunch hour and last anywhere between 3 months to 2 years, depending on the type of treatment you receive.

What’s remarkable about fillers is that they are exceptionally safe and effective. With almost no side effects and very few consumer complaints, fillers are one of the most popular anti-aging treatments without surgery in the world.

Dermal Filler Contraindications

Typically, pregnant women steer clear of dermal fillers. Also, if you have infections or broken skin, it’s best to wait until you’ve healed before you begin treatment. If you’re allergic to Lidocaine, you may not be able to have dermal filler injections.

Anti-aging treatments without surgery don’t have to be invasive or require downtime to be effective. Collagen treatments that boost production and help to tighten and firm skin are among the healthiest, gentlest methods of reversing the look of aging and are often the key to rejuvenating skin texture, tone, and elasticity.

Your face is the first impression you give the world of who you are. If you want to look younger and healthier, try non-invasive anti-aging treatments that give you the results you want without surgery.

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